With a refreshed UI that irons out many of the kinks that had manifested in earlier versions, a newer and more accessible interface for creating powerful chained workflows, an amazingly useful Share extension, and impressive advanced automation techniques such as JavaScript support, an enhanced URL scheme, and a custom extended keyboard, Drafts 4 is an amazing update to a classic app. Drafts 4 shows us all that it’s ready for the future, and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.
Got time this evening to get under the skin of the new Drafts app update and get it installed on my 6+. Two observations:
1) For the first time time it has completely blown Editorial out of my workflow. I'm a bit sad about that but there's competition.
2) It is so good - it has crossed a very important line. It's made it quicker (with less clicks & better automation) to post from an iOS device than on a Mac. Didn't think that would happen for some considerable time to come.
Owning an iOS device and not running Drafts 4 is like owning a horse without a saddle.