Apple apparently ruining notification centre in iOS

Goodbye, Drafts Widget (For Now?) – MacStories

[Drafts] which we reviewed in October, offered a handy Notification Center widget to open the app in draft creation mode. The widget could launch Draft to a new empty draft or, even better, create a new draft based on the contents of the clipboard.

Today, after a few weeks of back and forth with App Review, Drafts' Greg Pierce said he was told to remove buttons from the widget, therefore making it useless.

As Greg Pierce tweeted

…if what they are telling me is true, expect Evernote and other widgets which have similar shortcuts to be removed as well.

Apple, grow up. We all love the functionality of Today View widgets. Like many people, I use the Evernote, Drafts and Fantastical ones many times a day. Don't allow dogma to make life harder and destroy creativity.

If you want to live on the intersection of technology and the liberal arts, sometimes, you have to learn to go with the flow and not behave like the 100lb gorilla when things evolve.

If it's what your best developers and most advanced customers want - you should probably be doing it.

(Posted from Drafts in iOS)